What a beautiful day today is! Although it has been busy, I’ve enjoyed some time in the sunshine. When you live in Charleston, you take the sunshine for granted.
I got to spend some time with a friend from Connecticut this morning and it was a treat! She is moving here this year and is so excited about the great weather and the amount of time that she and her husband will get to spend outside. She’s trying to convince me to learn to play golf so that I can play with her but I still don’t see that happening.
The boys had great days at preschool this morning and treated me to a “wild” rendition of “Jesus Loves Me” that they learned in Chapel today. We are really blessed that PCA is such a wonderful school.
I’m heading home to cook dinner tonight and am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. The Superbowl is on Sunday so I’m sure that we’ll have a lot of fun at our house with “all my men” 🙂